ANTH 100 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
CPSC 100 Computational Thinking
ENGL 110 Approaches to Literature
EOSC 212 Topics in Earth and Planetary Science
EOSC 220 Introductory Mineralogy
EOSC 221 Introductory Petrology
EOSC 222 Geological Time and Stratigraphy
EOSC 223 Field Techniques
GEOB 270 Geographic Information Science
CHEM 121 Structure and Bonding in Chemistry
CHEM 123 Thermodynamics, Kinetics and Organic Chemistry
ENGL 112 Strategies for University Writing
EOSC 110 The Solid Earth: A Dynamic Planet
EOSC 111 Laboratory Exploration of Planet Earth
EOSC 116 Mesozoic Earth: Time of the Dinosaurs
MATH 100 Differential Calculus with Applications to
Physical Sciences and Engineering
PHYS 117 Dynamics and Waves
PHYS 118 Electricity, Light and Radiation
PHYS 119 Experimental Physics Lab
MATH 105 Integral Calculus with Applications to Commerce
and Social Sciences
PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy
MOOC Courses
Python Programming: A Concise Introduction Wesleyan University
Programming for Everybody University of Michigan
Python Data Structures University of Michigan
Using Python to Acess Web Data University of Michigan
Using Databases With Python University of Michigan
Capstone: Retrieving, Processing, and Visualizing Data - Honors University of Michigan
Dino 101: Dinosaur Paleobiology University of Alberta
Paleontology: Early Vertebrate Evolution University of Alberta
Paleontology: Ancient Marine Reptiles University of Alberta
Paleontology: Theropod Dinosaurs and the Origin of Birds University of Alberta
Astro 101: Black Holes University of Alberta
Origins - Formation of the Universe, Solar System, Earth and Life University of Copenhagen
The Ancient Greeks Wesleyan University
Extinctions: Past, Present, & Future Emory University
Oil & Gas Industry Operations and Markets Duke University
CLST 105 Greek and Roman Mythology
ECON 101 Principles of Microeconomics
EOSC 118 Earth's Treasures: Gold and Gems
EOSC 211 Computer Methods in Earth, Ocean, and
Atmospheric Sciences
STAT 200 Elementary Statistics for Applications